is an interactively state-of-the-art geostatistical modeling and data analysis tool designed to help the end-user visualized and integrate borehole, seismic, and engineering data into a coherent reservoir model. SigmaView is used to investigate the relationship between seismic properties (event-based windowed or instantaneous attributes) and properties at the well (such as porosity). It also provides a powerful toolbox that includes: geostatistical tools, univariate statistics to detect outliers in data, multivariate least-squares regression to calibrate seismic and well data, spatial correlation functions to model the interwell variability of the reservoir properties, and others. Techniques such as cokriging and conditional simulation are available to guide the log properties interpolation with the seismically derived attribute.
Peter Aronstam
Dir., Western Hemisphere Ops
Western Atlas Software
10205 Westheimer Road
Houston, TX 77042
713-972-4599 (fax)
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